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Benefits of An Extra Long Arm TV Wall Mount - Mount-It!
These days, a flat-screen TV can be found in practically every American household. What was once a luxury feature costing thousands of dollars is now an expected staple everyday item that can be purchased for cheap. While prices have gone down, quality has gone up in terms of clarity, color, size, and weight. 
What Is A Portable Ergonomic Laptop Stand? - Mount-It!

Do you spend all day hunched over your laptop? Do you experience neck and shoulder pain once the sun starts to leave us? Maybe you spend most of your days in a coffee shop or shared workspace. Or maybe your laptop is your only home computer, and you usually use it on the couch, in bed, and at the kitchen table, depending on where the day takes you.

What Are Laptop Stands Used For? - Mount-It!
The beauty of laptops is that you can use them in just about any ideal position—right? As opposed to a standard external monitor and external keyboard, you can do so much more than sitting with one at your desk: you can sit cross-legged with your laptop in your lap, prop it on your stomach while you lie in bed, or leave it on the floor as you sit around a game board, all thanks to the flexible viewing angle and lightweight quality.
Why Get An Ergonomic Laptop Stand For Your Desk - Mount-It!
The average american with an office job spends the equivalent of sixty-seven days a year seated at their desk. That’s right—many people spend between four and nine hours a day, or up to 20% of their year, in front of a computer. Can you imagine the impact this has on one's posture considering the angle at which the laptop is positioned?
How To Ergonmically Use a Laptop - Mount-It!

Laptops have revolutionized our working environments by allowing us to bring them wherever we’d like. Like mobile phones, laptops have transformed work outside the office too (not to mention personal computing on the go). But laptops bring one major pitfall: poor ergonomics.

How to Hide Ugly TV Wires - Mount-It!
Despite the growth of wireless devices, most home electronics still predominantly rely on wires. Unfortunately, the wire conundrum can easily get out of hand. With new gaming consoles, Blu-Ray players, cable boxes, sound systems, and other accessories connected to your TV, you could have a tangle of wires and power cords that look like a mess, which makes it harder for you to rearrange, unplug, or otherwise add something new to your home entertainment setup. This gets even more out of hand when you choose a TV wall mount.
How High Should a Standing Desk Be? - Mount-It!

You have probably heard all about the potential health risks and pitfalls that come with extended periods of sitting and living a sedentary life. To reduce those risks and maintain better health, many office workers, students, and other deskbound people have turned to standing workstations. These come with their own benefits and advantages, but with the right use, you could kiss your sitting woes behind. Unfortunately, not many people know how to properly use a standing desk. How high should a standing desk be? How long should you stand at your standing desk? Read on to learn more.

How Long Should You Stand at Your Standing Desk? - Mount-It!

With the onset of office jobs and corporate work came the growth of jobs that involved eight hours of sitting at a desk every day. Numerous studies have shown that sitting for extended periods of time can have some serious implications on your physical and mental health. While there isn’t any agreed- upon cutoff, it’s safe to say that eight hours of sitting per day isn’t doing your health any favors, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle with no physical activity outside of work as well.

That’s where the adjustable standing desk comes in. As popular and ergonomic as the adjustable standing desk is, knowing exactly how long you’re supposed to stand at your desk can be unclear. So how long should you stand at your standing desk? Read on to learn more.

How Often Should I Stand Up at My Desk? - Mount-It!

Standing desks have become increasingly popular thanks to varied reports that suggest that sitting for prolonged periods of time every day may actually be unhealthy for you. While convertible desks and adapters have made it easy to switch from sitting to standing workstations, the actual guidelines of how long and how often you’re supposed to stand at your desk remain unknown. Take a look at some of the benefits of standing at your desk and how often you should stand to get the most health benefits out of a standing workstation.

Are Standing Desks Good for You? - Mount-It!

Sitting has become so ingrained in life that you probably don’t even think about how long you do it in a day. Reports vary, but research from the CDC suggests that about one in four adult Americans sit for over eight hours a day. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking a load off, sitting may present greater dangers to your health than you realize, especially given the everyday stresses of working in the average American workplace.

The solution: standing workstations. These allow you to stay upright and break up your constant sitting, but are standing desks good for you? Read on to learn more about standing desks and how they can benefit your health.

Sit Stand Desk Ergonomics: What Are They? - Mount-It!

Let’s talk shop. American workers are more sedentary than ever before, and for the most part, it’s not our fault. After all, we’re also more innovative, more goal-oriented, more tech-dependent, more connected within our workplaces than ever before. The unfortunate consequence is that we ALSO have more desk jobs than ever before. You’re probably reading this right now, sitting at your desk. 

Standing Desk Best Practices - Mount-It!
One of the hot topics that you’ve likely heard floating around the workplace is ergonomics. According to its dictionary definition, ergonomics is the “study of people’s efficiency in their working environment.” In the context of the office, it refers to the productivity within your workspace, and many businesses are tearing down cubicles and replacing traditional workstations with new models in the name of sweeping improvements. Among these popular trends is this new desk solution: sit and stand desk.